Monday, April 28, 2008


Training this last week was incredible. I didn't slow at all after Spring Fever. Felt great and decided it is time to work harder to improve my times. Swimming was good, now really practicing on the things to make my stroke perfect. Working on stretching out my hand/hand placement in the water. Also, not lifting my head out so much when breathing, leaving it down closer to my shoulder. I also decided to up my running mileage. I know this is where I need to improve the most. My shins are sore from shin splints, but I iced every night after running and they are a little sore still, but I know they just need to get adjusted to the mileage I am putting on them. Thursday Christy, my new training buddy, and I did a brick workout at Overholser. I was stoked with my bike time. I dropped 6 min. from when we did a TT the week prior! She really pushes me on the bike, and I push her on the run, so training together is great! I am super excited about training harder. My goal is to get my run time down tremendously. My husband, Brad, knows I can run 7 min. mile pace, but just getting back down there will take me until the end of summer. I am pursuing that time immensely now. I haven't run with a coach in years, and not sure if I need to invest in one. Going to work on it myself through the summer and then I will go from there. This week is jammed packed of training. Same routine, different week. My body feels great, so going to push as long and as hard as it will sustain.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Fever Triathlon, Claremore, OK-April 20, 2008

Well, as most of you know this was my first tri. What a fun time I had and this was definitely a great reward for training!
Time: 1:19:23
50th Women
9th Division

Pre-Race: Arrived in Claremore on Saturday. Rode about 5mi. of the bike course and realized it was more hilly than I had initially expected. Thought I better tack on 8-10 min. to my time due to that. Walked the run course after dinner so I would know where I was going. Morning of the race I had nerves, but they didn't really set in until I was the fifth one in line for the swim start.

Swim: Start was super funky and I got a terrible start. Finally got in my rhythm about the fifth/sixth lap and as a guy was passing another guy in the lane next to me, he almost hit me head on. Had to basically come to a stop to avoid collision, which pissed me off...kept going and didn't get back into rhythm until about lap eight or nine. Came out of the water feeling great, but disappointed in my time. Almost a minute off! Argh! T1 took forever to get to!

Bike: Got off to a slow start with the first monster hill from hell, but again, got on pace about mile 4 or so. Heading out of town was a great ride. Coming back in caught some head wind which wasn't fun, but thanks to TT training on Tuesday, I was definitely prepared! Came in faster than I had expected from what I rode on Sat. so I was pleased with that.

Run: After leaving T2 (which I need to improve my time on) checked my watch and was right on pace. Legs felt good, not tired. Climbing the first small incline though my right calf started cramping bad. Thought maybe I should stop and stretch it out, but just didn't want to waste time. Slowed a bit to see if it would release. It didn't...cramped the entire run. But I made it to the finish line and I was happy.

Overall I had a wonderful time and I am hooked. Can't wait til my next event! Will be working on Bricks the next few weeks to work out those cramps! I still haven't figured out yet how people can eat pizza and drink beer after a race...just looking at it made me want to throw up...all I wanted was some water/gatorade! So glad I can say I AM A TRIATHLETE!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ready or Not

Here I go! My first Tri is a week away from Sunday and I feel very excited and prepared. Funny that I still have nerves though! I did the Redbud Classic ride last Saturday and despite the fact that I couldn't feel my finger or toes (due to the cold) the whole way, it didn't stop me. It was a nice ride (wish my time would have been faster, but hey, I was out there to have fun after all.)

I am running the OU Health Science Center 5k tomorrow morning because I want to beat my time from last year. Also thinking of it as a little extra before the race next weekend.

Swim practice the last 2 weeks has been awesome. My times are improving drastically and I am having a blast.
Tuesday night I swam a 600m in 9:54 and then a 500m in 7:45. 8 weeks ago Dave (coach) thought I would do a 500m in 10 minutes.
I swam a 400m last night (timed by Dave) and it was right on my mark where he thinks I should be. 8:02...he said I can do it faster, but I was really relaxed and not even outta breath after finishing. This is how I want to be when I come out of the water and heading into T1.
I know that I can do it faster, but being relaxed is the key here...still have to bike and run.

I am going to head to Claremore on Saturday so I can ride the bike course, then jog/walk the run course. I like being familiar with the course. When I race, I race mostly against the course and myself. I know that my competition is lurking out there with me, but the course is more of an enemy than they are. This is how I prepare for every race...pre-race course examination. I hope I am not the only one who does this!

The 5k I have tomorrow is a great course, but hilly! (Oh I hate hills!!!) I ran it 4 times last year to be prepared. I haven't had time to run it this year because I have been training for my tris. I was going to run it at lunch today, but I forgot about that my boss's birthday was today (thank God for calendar reminders!) and also my husband convinced me otherwise. He told me I was ready...I didn't need to run it, I knew it (the course) and could smoke my time from last year. Also he said just rest! I feel like if I don't get it in I am missing something? My brain is saying go run it, go run it, go run it! (but didn't pack my damn running shoes, and running in 3" heels is not an option. :) Maybe after work I will drive it, just to let the course know I am here and ready to take it on.

I feel like courses are such a battle...not only physically, but mentally. Challenging me to take them on...waiting for me to step foot, trying to stop me, but at this point I feel like a train at full speed...nothing will stop me!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

And so the season begins...

Well my official season begins on Saturday, April 5th with the Redbud Classic bike ride. I will be cycling the 33 mile course and I am very excited! The nerves are setting in though, and it is only Thursday! I am going to take it easy though and just have fun! (even though I am ULTRA competitive at heart!) Then only 2 more weekends until my first triathlon! Yippee! Okay gotta run...nerves make me have to pee! :)