Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Fever Triathlon - Claremore, OK

It finally is upon me. The first triathlon I ever did is coming up this Sunday. I am super excited to get to race it. My goal is to PR it by at least 10 minutes. (Hopfully training will pay off!) I find myself so nervous though, that little hint of self doubt creeping in. Why? I am not sure why, maybe because I realize that I have one year of triathlon under my belt and now it is time to stop messing around and start competiting. I desperately want to place in my AG. If not, I will be pretty disappointed. Just worried that I have not trained enough, hard enough. My run is really getting on my nerves too. I know the only way to run faster, is to keep running, but I am not very happy with it right now. I think in tris last year, I raced for fun and now my competitive side has crept up on me and I want to start competiting. (at least in my AG!) I think last year I did not push myself very hard in races b/c I was just having fun and just learning about tris. Now it is go time, time to make it hurt when I race. This will be a test to see how hard I can push my mind and body. I want to hurt so bad on the run I want to throw up at the end. That is what I am shooting for...wish me luck!


Unknown said...

I know you will do great! Wish I could join you both at Claremore and on the training runs!!! Life just gets in the way. Good Luck!